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Here's What Bloomberg TV's Margaret Brennan Has On Her Night Stand

margaret brennan

If you're lucky enough to watch Bloomberg TV's 'InBusiness with Margaret Brennan' from 10 am to noon during your work day, you know that host Margaret Brennan knows her stuff.

We've been so impressed, that we handed her our new survey to find out more about her. Check it out below:

Name: Margaret Brennan

Hometown: I grew up in Danbury, CT. I now live in NYC.

Where did you go to school? College: University of Virginia with a semester at Yarmouk University in Irbid, Jordan. High School: Convent of the Sacred Heart Greenwich, CT. Elementary: St. Peter's School in Danbury, CT.

Got siblings? How many? Yes. 2 siblings: Catherine and James.

Favorite Book? The Alchemist by Paolo Coehlo.

What’s sitting on your nightstand right now? 
A book that Prince Alwaleed bin Talal recently gave me, my Kindle, my iPad, a blackberry, George Soros' new book, a bottle of water, 2 phone chargers, lotion, an iphone, a lamp, tax documents and a candle. I need to tidy up!

What’s your pet peeve? People who say no.

Favorite place to be alone? My couch.

Favorite place/person to get advice? My younger sister Cate is wise beyond her years. 

Best meal you’ve eaten in the last month? I had really good Mexican food at Toloache in the east 80s.

Have you ever had a nickname? If so, what is/was it? No. 

Wall Street Journal or Financial Times? I read both... I also read the NY Times, Washington Post,, Bloomberg Businessweek and links that I receive via Twitter from other journalists or trusted sources.

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